Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Apple Ipad WI FI problems

Apples iPad tablet

Apple promises fix for iPad Wi-Fi


Users hope update addresses weak signals, dropped connections, slow speeds

By Gregg Keizer
May 11, 2010 04:08 PM ET
Computerworld - Apple will issue a fix to answer complaints from iPad owners of weak wireless signals, dropped connections and slow surfing speeds, the company said in a recently-published support document.
But some users were skeptical that a patch would solve their problems.
"A very small number of iPad users have experienced issues with Wi-Fi connectivity," Apple said in a support advisory updated last Thursday. "Apple will also address remaining Wi-Fi connectivity issues with a future iPad software update."
The note was the first official word from the company that it would address grievances about connecting and staying connected with home and public wireless networks.

Just days after Apple started selling the Wi-Fi-only iPad on April 3, buyers began reporting problems acquiring a wireless connection, keeping that connection alive or browsing the Internet at customary speeds. An earlier version of the support document had simply offered several workarounds, including one suggesting that users modify settings on their wireless routers.
The updated document included that workaround, as well as others ranging from renewing the IP address to updating their routers firmware.
Apple did not specify a delivery date for the iPad update, not a surprise since the company does not forewarn users of impending fixes, but simply posts them on its Web site and adds them to its update mechanism. Like the iPhone, the iPad will need to be connected to a Mac or Windows computer running iTunes to receive updates.
One user noticed the lack of a timetable. "Theres no indication anywhere when it will be released. Could be days, weeks or even months away. Dont hold your breath," said someone going by FrankPalmer on an Apple support forum thread about the promised update.
Others were doubtful that a software update could fix the problem, what with Apples earlier advice to modify router settings, or other users recommendations to get a new wireless router. "Well see what a software update does; hopefully that takes care of these issues," said "mva5580" today on the same thread. "But its pretty obvious that there is something wrong inside the hardware and Buy a new router should not have to be the solution."
Although Apple has committed to upgrading its mobile operating system this summer for iPhones and iPod Touches, it said previously that the iPhone 4 OS update wont be available to iPad users until this fall.
Gregg Keizer covers Microsoft, security issues, Apple, Web browsers and general technology breaking news for Computerworld. Follow Gregg on Twitter at Twitter @gkeizer or subscribe to Greggs RSS feed Keizer RSS. His e-mail address is gkeizer@ix.netcom.com.
Read more about Wireless Networking in Computerworlds Wireless Networking Knowledge Center.

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