Friday, February 6, 2015
Creating EasyTooltip class Part 15
Create 2 new classes - GradientColorStroke and GradientColorRect. As I already said in earlier tutorials, the whole skinning system is very similar to the one in AdvAlert library. code:
package com.kircode.EasyTooltip
import flash.geom.Matrix;
* ...
* @author Kirill Poletaev
public class GradientColorStroke
public var _lineThickness:Number;
public var _gradientType:String;
public var _colors:Array;
public var _alphas:Array;
public var _ratios:Array;
public var _matrix:Matrix;
public var _spreadMethod:String;
public var _interpolationMethod:String;
public var _focalPointRatio:Number;
* Create a gradient colored line stroke. Uses same parameters as lineGradientStyle() + lineThickness.
* @paramlineThickness Thickness of the line stroke.
* @paramgradientType A value from the GradientType class that specifies which gradient type to use: GradientType.LINEAR or GradientType.RADIAL.
* @paramcolors An array of RGB hexadecimal color values used in the gradient; for example, red is 0xFF0000, blue is 0x0000FF, and so on. You can specify up to 15 colors. For each color, specify a corresponding value in the alphas and ratios parameters.
* @paramalphas An array of alpha values for the corresponding colors in the colors array; valid values are 0 to 1. If the value is less than 0, the default is 0. If the value is greater than 1, the default is 1.
* @paramratios An array of color distribution ratios; valid values are 0-255. This value defines the percentage of the width where the color is sampled at 100%. The value 0 represents the left position in the gradient box, and 255 represents the right position in the gradient box.
* @parammatrix A transformation matrix as defined by the flash.geom.Matrix class. The flash.geom.Matrix class includes a createGradientBox() method, which lets you conveniently set up the matrix for use with the beginGradientFill() method.
* @paramspreadMethod A value from the SpreadMethod class that specifies which spread method to use, either: SpreadMethod.PAD, SpreadMethod.REFLECT, or SpreadMethod.REPEAT.
* @paraminterpolationMethod A value from the InterpolationMethod class that specifies which value to use: InterpolationMethod.LINEAR_RGB or InterpolationMethod.RGB
* @paramfocalPointRation A number that controls the location of the focal point of the gradient. 0 means that the focal point is in the center. 1 means that the focal point is at one border of the gradient circle. -1 means that the focal point is at the other border of the gradient circle. A value less than -1 or greater than 1 is rounded to -1 or 1.
public function GradientColorStroke(lineThickness:Number, gradientType:String, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, matrix:Matrix = null, spreadMethod:String = "pad", interpolationMethod:String = "rgb", focalPointRation:Number = 0)
_lineThickness = lineThickness;
_gradientType = gradientType;
_colors = colors;
_alphas = alphas;
_ratios = ratios;
_matrix = matrix;
_spreadMethod = spreadMethod;
_interpolationMethod = interpolationMethod;
_focalPointRatio = focalPointRation;
And code:
package com.kircode.EasyTooltip
import flash.geom.Matrix;
* ...
* @author Kirill Poletaev
public class GradientColorRect
public var _gradientType:String;
public var _colors:Array;
public var _alphas:Array;
public var _ratios:Array;
public var _matrix:Matrix;
public var _spreadMethod:String;
public var _interpolationMethod:String;
public var _focalPointRatio:Number;
public var _radius:Array;
* Create a gradient filled rectangle. Has the same parameters as beginGradientFill(), plus cornerRadius.
* @paramgradientType A value from the GradientType class that specifies which gradient type to use: GradientType.LINEAR or GradientType.RADIAL.
* @paramcolors An array of RGB hexadecimal color values used in the gradient; for example, red is 0xFF0000, blue is 0x0000FF, and so on. You can specify up to 15 colors. For each color, specify a corresponding value in the alphas and ratios parameters.
* @paramalphas An array of alpha values for the corresponding colors in the colors array; valid values are 0 to 1. If the value is less than 0, the default is 0. If the value is greater than 1, the default is 1.
* @paramratios An array of color distribution ratios; valid values are 0-255. This value defines the percentage of the width where the color is sampled at 100%. The value 0 represents the left position in the gradient box, and 255 represents the right position in the gradient box.
* @parammatrix A transformation matrix as defined by the flash.geom.Matrix class. The flash.geom.Matrix class includes a createGradientBox() method, which lets you conveniently set up the matrix for use with the beginGradientFill() method.
* @paramspreadMethod A value from the SpreadMethod class that specifies which spread method to use, either: SpreadMethod.PAD, SpreadMethod.REFLECT, or SpreadMethod.REPEAT.
* @paraminterpolationMethod A value from the InterpolationMethod class that specifies which value to use: InterpolationMethod.LINEAR_RGB or InterpolationMethod.RGB
* @paramfocalPointRation A number that controls the location of the focal point of the gradient. 0 means that the focal point is in the center. 1 means that the focal point is at one border of the gradient circle. -1 means that the focal point is at the other border of the gradient circle. A value less than -1 or greater than 1 is rounded to -1 or 1.
* @paramcornerRadius Radius of the corners of the box - top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right.
public function GradientColorRect(gradientType:String, colors:Array, alphas:Array, ratios:Array, matrix:Matrix = null, spreadMethod:String = "pad", interpolationMethod:String = "rgb", focalPointRation:Number = 0, cornerRadius:Array = null)
if (cornerRadius == null) cornerRadius = [10, 10, 0, 0];
_gradientType = gradientType;
_colors = colors;
_alphas = alphas;
_ratios = ratios;
_matrix = matrix;
_spreadMethod = spreadMethod;
_interpolationMethod = interpolationMethod;
_focalPointRatio = focalPointRation;
_radius = cornerRadius;
Go to In the updateDisplay() function, add 2 new if..statements, that execute the code if backgroundStroke is a GradientColorStroke object and if backgroundRect is a GradientColorRect object.
Use the provided values to draw gradient stroke and box. Inside of each of these if...statements, add one more conditional, which checks if the _matrix object of that object is not null. If so, set the tx and ty variables of that matrix to actual_x and actual_y. This will ensure that the gradient box looks similar no matter in which direction it is stretched.
private function updateDisplay():void {;
if (style.backgroundStroke is SolidColorStroke) {, style.backgroundStroke._lineColor, style.backgroundStroke._lineAlpha);
if (style.backgroundStroke is GradientColorStroke) {
style.backgroundStroke._matrix.tx = actual_x;
style.backgroundStroke._matrix.ty = actual_y;
};, style.backgroundStroke._colors, style.backgroundStroke._alphas, style.backgroundStroke._ratios, style.backgroundStroke._matrix, style.backgroundStroke._spreadMethod, style.backgroundStroke._interpolationMethod, style.backgroundStroke._focalPointRatio);
if (style.backgroundRect is SolidColorRect) {, style.backgroundRect._alpha);, actual_y, w, h, style.backgroundRect._radius[0], style.backgroundRect._radius[1], style.backgroundRect._radius[2], style.backgroundRect._radius[3]);;
if (style.backgroundRect is GradientColorRect) {
style.backgroundRect._matrix.tx = actual_x;
style.backgroundRect._matrix.ty = actual_y;
}, style.backgroundRect._colors, style.backgroundRect._alphas, style.backgroundRect._ratios, style.backgroundRect._matrix, style.backgroundRect._spreadMethod, style.backgroundRect._interpolationMethod, style.backgroundRect._focalPointRatio);, actual_y, w, h, style.backgroundRect._radius[0], style.backgroundRect._radius[1], style.backgroundRect._radius[2], style.backgroundRect._radius[3]);;
txt.width = w - style.textPadding.left - style.textPadding.right;
txt.height = h - - style.textPadding.bottom;
txt.x = actual_x + style.textPadding.left;
txt.y = actual_y +;
Full code:
package com.kircode.EasyTooltip
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
* The cursor that follows the mouse (if not set otherwise) and displays each tooltip.
* @author Kirill Poletaev
public class TooltipCursor extends MovieClip
public var txt:TextField;
private var style:TooltipStyle;
private var background:Shape;
private var w:int;
private var h:int;
private var actual_x:int;
private var actual_y:int;
private var parentW:int;
private var parentH:int;
private var direction:String = "";
public function TooltipCursor(pW:int, pH:int)
parentW = pW;
parentH = pH;
txt = new TextField();
txt.multiline = true;
background = new Shape();
txt.width = 1;
txt.height = 1;
* Set style of the tooltips.
* @paramst TooltipStyle object to apply.
public function setStyle(st:TooltipStyle):void {
style = st;
* Change the text value of the tooltip.
* @parammessage The new text value.
public function setText(message:String):void {
txt.text = message;
private function updateDisplay():void {;
if (style.backgroundStroke is SolidColorStroke) {, style.backgroundStroke._lineColor, style.backgroundStroke._lineAlpha);
if (style.backgroundStroke is GradientColorStroke) {
style.backgroundStroke._matrix.tx = actual_x;
style.backgroundStroke._matrix.ty = actual_y;
};, style.backgroundStroke._colors, style.backgroundStroke._alphas, style.backgroundStroke._ratios, style.backgroundStroke._matrix, style.backgroundStroke._spreadMethod, style.backgroundStroke._interpolationMethod, style.backgroundStroke._focalPointRatio);
if (style.backgroundRect is SolidColorRect) {, style.backgroundRect._alpha);, actual_y, w, h, style.backgroundRect._radius[0], style.backgroundRect._radius[1], style.backgroundRect._radius[2], style.backgroundRect._radius[3]);;
if (style.backgroundRect is GradientColorRect) {
style.backgroundRect._matrix.tx = actual_x;
style.backgroundRect._matrix.ty = actual_y;
}, style.backgroundRect._colors, style.backgroundRect._alphas, style.backgroundRect._ratios, style.backgroundRect._matrix, style.backgroundRect._spreadMethod, style.backgroundRect._interpolationMethod, style.backgroundRect._focalPointRatio);, actual_y, w, h, style.backgroundRect._radius[0], style.backgroundRect._radius[1], style.backgroundRect._radius[2], style.backgroundRect._radius[3]);;
txt.width = w - style.textPadding.left - style.textPadding.right;
txt.height = h - - style.textPadding.bottom;
txt.x = actual_x + style.textPadding.left;
txt.y = actual_y +;
private function updateSize():void {
if (style.maxWidth == 0) style.maxWidth = parentW;
if (style.maxHeight == 0) style.maxHeight = parentH;
txt.wordWrap = true;
w = txt.textWidth + 4 + style.textPadding.left + style.textPadding.right;
h = txt.textHeight + 4 + + style.textPadding.bottom;
if (w > style.maxWidth) w = style.maxWidth;
if (h > style.maxHeight) h = style.maxHeight;
if (w < style.minWidth) w = style.minWidth;
if (h < style.minHeight) h = style.minHeight;
// calculate best direction
if (this.y <= h-style.offsetY) {
direction = "bottom";
actual_y = -style.offsetY;
} else
if (this.y > h-style.offsetY) {
direction = "top";
actual_y = -h + style.offsetY;
if (this.x <= parentW * 0.5) {
direction += "right";
actual_x = - style.offsetX;
} else
if (this.x > parentW * 0.5) {
direction += "left";
actual_x = -w + style.offsetX;
// If sticks out on the right:
if(direction == "topright" || direction == "bottomright"){
// if tooltip sticks out of border - calculate shortened width to fit the content
if (this.x + actual_x + w > parentW) {
txt.wordWrap = true;
w = parentW - this.x - actual_x;
h = txt.textHeight + 4 + + style.textPadding.bottom;
if (w > style.maxWidth) w = style.maxWidth;
if (h > style.maxHeight) h = style.maxHeight;
if (w < style.minWidth) {
w = style.minWidth;
this.x = parentW - w + style.offsetX;
if (h < style.minHeight) h = style.minHeight;
} else {
// if doesnt stick out, keep adding 1 pixel to the width until as much text is seen as possible
while (this.x + actual_x + w < parentW && w < style.maxWidth && w >= style.minWidth) {
w += 1;
// try turning off wordwrap and see if it still fits (as one line)
txt.wordWrap = false;
if (w > txt.textWidth + 4 + style.textPadding.left + style.textPadding.right && w >= style.minWidth && w < style.maxWidth) {
w = txt.textWidth + 4 + style.textPadding.left + style.textPadding.right;
if (w < style.minWidth) {
w = style.minWidth;
txt.wordWrap = true;
// If sticks out on the left:
if(direction == "topleft" || direction == "bottomleft"){
if (this.x + actual_x <= 0) {
txt.wordWrap = true;
actual_x = -this.x;
w = this.x + style.offsetX;
h = txt.textHeight + 4 + + style.textPadding.bottom;
if (w > style.maxWidth) w = style.maxWidth;
if (h > style.maxHeight) h = style.maxHeight;
if (w < style.minWidth) w = style.minWidth;
if (h < style.minHeight) h = style.minHeight;
} else {
// if doesnt stick out, keep adding 1 pixel to the width (and substracting it from actual_x) until as much text is seen as possible
while (this.x + actual_x > 0 && w < style.maxWidth && w >= style.minWidth) {
actual_x -= 1;
w += 1;
// try turning off wordwrap and see if it still fits (as one line)
txt.wordWrap = false;
if (w > txt.textWidth + 4 + style.textPadding.left + style.textPadding.right && w >= style.minWidth && w <= style.maxWidth) {
w = txt.textWidth + 4 + style.textPadding.left + style.textPadding.right;
if (w < style.minWidth) {
w = style.minWidth;
txt.wordWrap = true;
And were done!
Thanks for reading!
Heres an example of usage of the 2 new classes:
var myStyle:TooltipStyle = new TooltipStyle();
myStyle.minWidth = 240;
myStyle.maxWidth = 0;
myStyle.offsetX = -10;
myStyle.offsetY = -10;
var matrix1:Matrix = new Matrix();
matrix1.createGradientBox(240, 200, 1.57);
myStyle.backgroundRect = new GradientColorRect(GradientType.LINEAR, [0, 0], [0.2, 1], [0, 255], matrix1, "pad", "rgb", 0, [0, 0, 0, 0]);
var matrix2:Matrix = new Matrix();
matrix2.createGradientBox(240, 200, 1.57);
myStyle.backgroundStroke = new GradientColorStroke(2, GradientType.LINEAR, [0x000000, 0xffffff], [1, 1], [0, 255], matrix2, "pad", "rgb", 0);
tooltip = new EasyTooltip(stage, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight, 0);
tooltip.addListener(object1, "Test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test");
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