Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Creating a Flex AIR text editor Part 20
Add content to the sidePane box. 2 labels (for now) and List component, which gets data from the tabData array collection. Two important things to note: the itemRenderer of the List component is going to be a CustomListItem renderer, and the selectedIndex of the control is going to be set to tabSelectedIndex.
<mx:Box id="sidePane" width="{sidePaneWidth}" y="{sidePaneY}" x="{sidePaneX}" height="{sidePaneHeight}" backgroundColor="#dfdfdf" visible="{pref_sidepane}" paddingTop="5" paddingLeft="5">
<s:Label text="Tab management" textAlign="center" width="100%" />
<s:Label text="[navigation will be here]" textAlign="center" width="100%" />
<s:List id="sideList" dataProvider="{tabData}" width="{sideContentWidth}" height="100%" itemRenderer="CustomListItem" selectedIndex="{tabSelectedIndex}"/>
The tabSelectedIndex property is going to be used to hold the value of the selected item, because, remember, we technically have 2 tab bars now - one is a TabBar, and the other is a List.
Set the CustomTabBars selectedIndex property to this variable as well.
<custom:CustomTabBar id="tabBar" dataProvider="{tabData}" width="100%" y="{tabY}" itemRenderer="CustomTab" height="22" tabClose="onTabClose(event);" change="tabChange();" selectedIndex="{tabSelectedIndex}" />
Declare the variable, set it to 0 by default. Also declare the sideContentWidth variable we used for the lists width:
private var sideContentWidth:Number = 170;
private var tabSelectedIndex:int = 0;
Lets create the CustomListItem item renderer now. Create a new file called CustomListItem.mxml.
Here are its contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- http://blog.flexexamples.com/2010/01/27/creating-a-fancy-spark-list-control-item-renderer-in-flex-4/ -->
<s:ItemRenderer name="CustomListItemRenderer"
autoDrawBackground="true" creationComplete="init();">
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
private function init():void{
labelDisplay.text = (data.saved)?(data.title):(data.title + "*");
private function labelClose(evt:MouseEvent):void{
<s:Label id="labelDisplay" left="4" right="20" top="4" bottom="4" />
<s:Label id="closeButton" text="x" fontWeight="bold" right="4" top="2" fontSize="16" alpha="0.5" color="#444444" click="labelClose(event)" useHandCursor="true" buttonMode="true"/>
As you can see, we basically add the X button and set the labelDisplay labels value to the title of the selected tab item (and a * if its saved property is false).
Now, back to the main file. This is going to be an important moment now: we are now going to use tabSelectedIndex instead of separate selectedIndex property of the tab bar, so replace ALL the "tabBar.selectedIndex" in your code to "tabSelectedIndex".
When you do that, there are a few changes that need to be made.
First change in the tabChange function. You need to add a line which sets tabSelectedIndex to the selectedIndex of tabBar in the beginning of the function.
private function tabChange():void {
tabSelectedIndex = tabBar.selectedIndex;
tabData[previousIndex].textData = textArea.text;
tabData[previousIndex].selectedActive = textArea.selectionActivePosition;
tabData[previousIndex].selectedAnchor = textArea.selectionAnchorPosition;
previousIndex = tabSelectedIndex;
textArea.text = tabData[tabSelectedIndex].textData;
textArea.selectRange(tabData[tabSelectedIndex].selectedAnchor, tabData[tabSelectedIndex].selectedActive);
Second change, you need to update the removeTab function - add a line to change the tabSelectedIndex value again:
private function removeTab(index:int):void {
// if this is the last tab, create a new empty tab
if (tabData.length == 1) {
tabData.addItem( { title:"Untitled", textData:"", saved:false } );
statusMessage = "[ " + new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + " ] Tab closed: " + tabData[index].title;
tabSelectedIndex = tabBar.selectedIndex;
previousIndex = tabSelectedIndex;
textArea.text = tabData[tabSelectedIndex].textData;
textArea.selectRange(tabData[tabSelectedIndex].selectedAnchor, tabData[tabSelectedIndex].selectedActive);
if (closeAfterConfirm && tabsToClose == 0) {
Now go to onTabClose function. Here we will finally add code to calculate which tab exactly is meant to be closed (up until now it only closed the one that was selected - sorry about that):
private function onTabClose(evt:Event):void {
var tabWidth:Number = tabBar.width / tabData.length;
var cIndex:int = Math.floor(tabBar.mouseX / tabWidth);
tabSelectedIndex = cIndex;
Full code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
creationComplete="init();" title="Kirpad" showStatusBar="{pref_status}"
minWidth="400" minHeight="200" height="700" width="900">
<mx:FlexNativeMenu dataProvider="{windowMenu}" showRoot="false" labelField="@label" keyEquivalentField="@key" itemClick="menuSelect(event);" />
import flash.events.KeyboardEvent;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.events.NativeWindowBoundsEvent;
import flash.net.SharedObject;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.events.FlexNativeMenuEvent;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
import flashx.textLayout.elements.Configuration;
import flash.system.System;
import flash.desktop.Clipboard;
import flash.desktop.ClipboardFormats;
import flash.ui.Mouse;
import mx.events.CloseEvent;
import flash.ui.ContextMenu;
import flash.ui.ContextMenuItem;
import flash.events.ContextMenuEvent;
import mx.events.ResizeEvent;
import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
private var preferences:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("kirpadPreferences");
private var pref_wrap:Boolean = true;
private var pref_status:Boolean = true;
private var pref_toolbar:Boolean = true;
private var pref_sidepane:Boolean = true;
public var pref_fontsettings:Object = new Object();
private var initHeight:Number;
private var heightFixed:Boolean = false;
private var statusMessage:String;
private var textHeight:Number;
private var textWidth:Number;
private var textY:Number;
private var tabY:Number;
private var sidePaneY:Number;
private var sidePaneX:Number;
private var sidePaneHeight:Number;
private var sidePaneWidth:Number = 180;
private var sideContentWidth:Number = 170;
private var tabSelectedIndex:int = 0;
private var previousIndex:int = 0;
private var rightclickTabIndex:int = 0;
private var untitledNum:int = 0;
private var tabsToClose:int = 0;
private var closeAfterConfirm:Boolean = false;
public var fontWindow:FontWindow = new FontWindow();
private function init():void {
// Create a listener for every frame
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, everyFrame);
// Set initHeight to the initial height value on start
initHeight = height;
// Set preferences if loaded for the first time
if (preferences.data.firsttime == null) {
preferences.data.firsttime = true;
preferences.data.wrap = true;
preferences.data.status = true;
preferences.data.toolbar = true;
preferences.data.sidepane = true;
preferences.data.fontsettings = {fontfamily:"Lucida Console", fontsize:14, fontstyle:"normal", fontweight:"normal", fontcolor:0x000000, bgcolor:0xffffff};
// Set preferences loaded from local storage
pref_wrap = preferences.data.wrap;
pref_status = preferences.data.status;
pref_toolbar = preferences.data.toolbar;
pref_sidepane = preferences.data.sidepane;
pref_fontsettings = preferences.data.fontsettings;
// Allow insertion of tabs
var textFlow:TextFlow = textArea.textFlow;
var config:Configuration = Configuration(textFlow.configuration);
config.manageTabKey = true;
// Set status message
statusMessage = "[ " + new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + " ] Kirpad initialized";
// Close all sub-windows if main window is closed
addEventListener(Event.CLOSING, onClose);
// Add listener for the event that is dispatched when new font settings are applied
fontWindow.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, fontChange);
// Update real fonts with the data from the settings values
// Create a listener for resizing
addEventListener(NativeWindowBoundsEvent.RESIZE, onResize);
// Context menu declaration for the tabbar control
var cm_close:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Close tab");
cm_close.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, tabContextClose);
var cm_closeother:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Close other tabs");
cm_closeother.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, tabContextCloseOther);
var cm:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
cm.items = [cm_close, cm_closeother];
tabBar.contextMenu = cm;
tabBar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.RIGHT_MOUSE_DOWN, tabRightClick);
// Listen to keyboard
addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onKeyDown);
private function menuSelect(evt:FlexNativeMenuEvent):void {
(evt.item.@label == "New")?(doNew()):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Word wrap")?(pref_wrap = !pref_wrap):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Cut")?(doCut()):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Copy")?(doCopy()):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Paste")?(doPaste()):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Select all")?(doSelectall()):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Status bar")?(pref_status = !pref_status):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Tool bar")?(pref_toolbar = !pref_toolbar):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Side pane")?(pref_sidepane = !pref_sidepane):(void);
(evt.item.@label == "Font...")?(doFont()):(void);
private function savePreferences():void {
preferences.data.wrap = pref_wrap;
preferences.data.status = pref_status;
preferences.data.toolbar = pref_toolbar;
preferences.data.fontsettings = pref_fontsettings;
preferences.data.sidepane = pref_sidepane;
private function doCut():void {
var selectedText:String = textArea.text.substring(textArea.selectionActivePosition, textArea.selectionAnchorPosition);
private function doCopy():void {
var selectedText:String = textArea.text.substring(textArea.selectionActivePosition, textArea.selectionAnchorPosition);
private function doPaste():void{
var myClip:Clipboard = Clipboard.generalClipboard;
var pastedText:String = myClip.getData(ClipboardFormats.TEXT_FORMAT) as String;
private function doSelectall():void {
private function insertText(str:String):void {
var substrPositions:int = textArea.selectionActivePosition - textArea.selectionAnchorPosition;
var oldSel1:int = (substrPositions>0)?(textArea.selectionAnchorPosition):(textArea.selectionActivePosition);
var oldSel2:int = (substrPositions<0)?(textArea.selectionAnchorPosition):(textArea.selectionActivePosition);
var preText:String = textArea.text.substring(0, oldSel1);
var postText:String = textArea.text.substring(oldSel2);
var newSelectRange:int = preText.length + str.length;
textArea.text = preText + str + postText;
textArea.selectRange(newSelectRange, newSelectRange);
private function cursorFix():void{
Mouse.cursor = "ibeam";
private function everyFrame(evt:Event):void {
if (!heightFixed && height==initHeight) {
height = initHeight - 20;
if (height != initHeight) {
heightFixed = true;
private function onResize(evt:ResizeEvent):void {
private function updateTextSize():void {
tabY = (toolBar.visible)?(toolBar.height):(0);
textY = tabBar.height + tabY;
var statusHeight:Number = (pref_status)?(statusBar.height):(0);
textHeight = height - textY - statusHeight;
textWidth = (pref_sidepane)?(width-sidePaneWidth):(width);
sidePaneHeight = textHeight;
sidePaneY = textY;
sidePaneX = width - sidePaneWidth;
private function updateStatus():void {
var str:String = new String();
str = (pref_wrap)?("Word wrapping on"):(caretPosition());
status = str + " " + statusMessage;
private function caretPosition():String {
var pos:int = textArea.selectionActivePosition;
var str:String = textArea.text.substring(0, pos);
var lines:Array = str.split("
var line:int = lines.length;
var col:int = lines[lines.length - 1].length + 1;
return "Ln " + line + ", Col " + col;
private function doFont():void{
fontWindow.visible = true;
fontWindow.setValues(pref_fontsettings.fontsize, pref_fontsettings.fontfamily, pref_fontsettings.fontstyle, pref_fontsettings.fontweight, pref_fontsettings.fontcolor, pref_fontsettings.bgcolor);
private function onClose(evt:Event):void {
var allWindows:Array = NativeApplication.nativeApplication.openedWindows;
for (var i:int = 1; i < allWindows.length; i++)
// Check if there are any unsaved tabs
var needSaving:Boolean = false;
tabsToClose = 0;
for (var u:int = 0; u < tabData.length; u++) {
if (tabData[u].saved == false) {
needSaving = true;
// If there are unsaved tabs, dont close window yet, set closeAfterConfirm to true and close all tabs
if (needSaving) {
closeAfterConfirm = true;
for (var t:int = 0; t < tabData.length; t++) {
if (!needSaving) {
private function fontChange(evt:Event):void{
pref_fontsettings.fontfamily = fontWindow.fontCombo.selectedItem.fontName;
pref_fontsettings.fontsize = fontWindow.sizeStepper.value;
if (fontWindow.styleCombo.selectedIndex == 0) {
pref_fontsettings.fontstyle = "normal";
pref_fontsettings.fontweight = "normal";
if (fontWindow.styleCombo.selectedIndex == 1) {
pref_fontsettings.fontstyle = "italic";
pref_fontsettings.fontweight = "normal";
if (fontWindow.styleCombo.selectedIndex == 2) {
pref_fontsettings.fontstyle = "normal";
pref_fontsettings.fontweight = "bold";
if (fontWindow.styleCombo.selectedIndex == 3) {
pref_fontsettings.fontstyle = "italic";
pref_fontsettings.fontweight = "bold";
pref_fontsettings.fontcolor = fontWindow.colorPicker.selectedColor;
pref_fontsettings.bgcolor = fontWindow.bgColorPicker.selectedColor;
private function updateFonts():void{
textArea.setStyle("fontFamily", pref_fontsettings.fontfamily);
textArea.setStyle("fontSize", pref_fontsettings.fontsize);
textArea.setStyle("fontStyle", pref_fontsettings.fontstyle);
textArea.setStyle("fontWeight", pref_fontsettings.fontweight);
textArea.setStyle("color", pref_fontsettings.fontcolor);
textArea.setStyle("contentBackgroundColor", pref_fontsettings.bgcolor);
private function onTabClose(evt:Event):void {
var tabWidth:Number = tabBar.width / tabData.length;
var cIndex:int = Math.floor(tabBar.mouseX / tabWidth);
tabSelectedIndex = cIndex;
private function closeTab(index:int):void {
if (tabData[index].saved) {
if (!tabData[index].saved) {
Alert.show("Save " + tabData[index].title + " before closing?", "Confirmation", Alert.YES | Alert.NO, null, confirmClose);
function confirmClose(evt:CloseEvent):void {
if (evt.detail == Alert.YES) {
// TODO: call saving function here
}else {
private function removeTab(index:int):void {
// if this is the last tab, create a new empty tab
if (tabData.length == 1) {
tabData.addItem( { title:"Untitled", textData:"", saved:false } );
statusMessage = "[ " + new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + " ] Tab closed: " + tabData[index].title;
tabSelectedIndex = tabBar.selectedIndex;
previousIndex = tabSelectedIndex;
textArea.text = tabData[tabSelectedIndex].textData;
textArea.selectRange(tabData[tabSelectedIndex].selectedAnchor, tabData[tabSelectedIndex].selectedActive);
if (closeAfterConfirm && tabsToClose == 0) {
private function doNew():void {
statusMessage = "[ " + new Date().toLocaleTimeString() + " ] New tab created";
tabData.addItem( { title:"Untitled("+untitledNum+")", textData:"", saved:false } );
tabSelectedIndex = tabData.length - 1;
private function tabChange():void {
tabSelectedIndex = tabBar.selectedIndex;
tabData[previousIndex].textData = textArea.text;
tabData[previousIndex].selectedActive = textArea.selectionActivePosition;
tabData[previousIndex].selectedAnchor = textArea.selectionAnchorPosition;
previousIndex = tabSelectedIndex;
textArea.text = tabData[tabSelectedIndex].textData;
textArea.selectRange(tabData[tabSelectedIndex].selectedAnchor, tabData[tabSelectedIndex].selectedActive);
private function tabContextClose(evt:ContextMenuEvent):void{
private function tabContextCloseOther(evt:ContextMenuEvent):void {
var len:int = tabData.length;
for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (i != rightclickTabIndex) {
private function tabRightClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {
var tabWidth:Number = tabBar.width / tabData.length;
var rcIndex:int = Math.floor(tabBar.mouseX / tabWidth);
rightclickTabIndex = rcIndex;
private function onKeyDown(evt:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (evt.ctrlKey) {
// Ctrl+TAB - next tab
if (evt.keyCode == 9 && !evt.shiftKey) {
if (tabData.length - tabSelectedIndex > 1) {
// Ctrl+Shift+TAB - previous tab
if (evt.keyCode == 9 && evt.shiftKey) {
if (tabSelectedIndex > 0) {
// Ctrl+number (1-8) - go to numbered tab
if (evt.keyCode >= 49 && evt.keyCode <= 56) {
var num:int = evt.keyCode - 48;
if (tabData.length > num - 1) {
tabSelectedIndex = num - 1;
// Ctrl+9 - go to last tab
if (evt.keyCode == 57) {
tabSelectedIndex = tabData.length - 1;
<fx:XML id="windowMenu">
<menuitem label="File">
<menuitem label="New" key="n" controlKey="true" />
<menuitem label="Open" key="o" controlKey="true" />
<menuitem label="Edit">
<menuitem label="Cut" key="x" controlKey="true" />
<menuitem label="Copy" key="c" controlKey="true" />
<menuitem label="Paste" key="v" controlKey="true" />
<menuitem type="separator"/>
<menuitem label="Select all" key="a" controlKey="true" />
<menuitem label="Settings">
<menuitem label="Word wrap" type="check" toggled="{pref_wrap}" />
<menuitem label="Font..."/>
<menuitem label="View">
<menuitem label="Tool bar" type="check" toggled="{pref_toolbar}" />
<menuitem label="Status bar" type="check" toggled="{pref_status}" />
<menuitem label="Side pane" type="check" toggled="{pref_sidepane}" />
<mx:ArrayCollection id="tabData">
<fx:Object title="Untitled" textData="" saved="false" seletedActive="0" selectedAnchor="0" />
<s:Group width="100%" height="100%">
<s:TextArea id="textArea" width="{textWidth}" height="{textHeight}" y="{textY}" borderVisible="false" lineBreak="{(pref_wrap)?(toFit):(explicit)}" click="cursorFix(); updateStatus();" change="updateStatus();" keyDown="updateStatus();"/>
<custom:CustomTabBar id="tabBar" dataProvider="{tabData}" width="100%" y="{tabY}" itemRenderer="CustomTab" height="22" tabClose="onTabClose(event);" change="tabChange();" selectedIndex="{tabSelectedIndex}" />
<mx:Box id="toolBar" width="100%" backgroundColor="#dddddd" height="24" visible="{pref_toolbar}">
<mx:Box id="sidePane" width="{sidePaneWidth}" y="{sidePaneY}" x="{sidePaneX}" height="{sidePaneHeight}" backgroundColor="#dfdfdf" visible="{pref_sidepane}" paddingTop="5" paddingLeft="5">
<s:Label text="Tab management" textAlign="center" width="100%" />
<s:Label text="[navigation will be here]" textAlign="center" width="100%" />
<s:List id="sideList" dataProvider="{tabData}" width="{sideContentWidth}" height="100%" itemRenderer="CustomListItem" selectedIndex="{tabSelectedIndex}"/>
Phew, it works, partially. You can do all the stuff you could do before, but now you know that we use one global variable for storing the selected index. Also, the List component on the side pane displays all the tabs and displays which tab is selected. You cant select or remove tabs from the List yet, though.
Thanks for reading!
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