Thursday, February 5, 2015

Creating EasyKeyboard class Part 3

Today we will add the ability to add listeners to keyboard by specifying key names instead of keycodes.

This way, well be able to set a key listener to the "A" key, for example, by simply passing "A" as one of the values to one of the methods of EasyKeyboard, instead of sending the key code of the key.

To know which name corresponds to which key, well need to add an array keyLabels in which contains names for all the keys. The index of each element in this array corresponds to the keys key code:

private var keyLabels:Array = ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","Backspace","Tab","10","11","Center","Enter","14","15","Shift","Control","Alt","Pause","Caps Lock","21","22","23","24","25","26","27","28","29","30","31","Space","Page Up","Page Down","End","Home","Left","Up","Right","Down","41","42","43","44","Insert","Delete","47","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","58","59","60","61","62","63","64","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z","Windows","Windows","Menu","94","95","Num 0","Num 1","Num 2","Num 3","Num 4","Num 5","Num 6","Num 7","Num 8","Num 9","Num *","Num +","108","Num -","Num .","Num /","F1","F2","F3","F4","F5","F6","F7","F8","F9","F10","F11","F12","124","125","126","127","128","129","130","131","132","133","134","135","136","137","138","139","140","141","142","143","Num Lock","Scroll Lock","146","147","148","149","150","151","152","153","154","155","156","157","158","159","160","161","162","163","164","165","166","167","168","169","170","171","172","173","174","175","176","177","178","179","180","181","182","183","184","185",";","+",",","-",".","/","~","193","194","195","196","197","198","199","200","201","202","203","204","205","206","207","208","209","210","211","212","213","214","215","216","217","218","[","\","]","","223","224","225","226","227","228","229","230","231","232","233","234","235","236","237","238","239","240","241","242","243","244","245","246","247","248","249","250","251","252","253","254","255"];

Now create a new function called addEasyListener. The parameters are the same as in addListener, except for the first one.

Instead of receiving keyCode, we receive a string keyName value. Then, in the function, we check which key code belongs to the specified key by looping through the array. If no match is found, then throw an error. If everything went smoothly, then simply call addListener() method with all the same parameter values as we received, and keyCode set to what weve calculated:

* Add event listener for a single key using key string value.
* @paramkeyName String name of the key.
* @paramhandlerDown Function to be called when the key is pressed down.
* @paramhandlerUp Function to be called when the key is released.
* @paramalt Used in combination with the alt key.
* @paramctrl Used in combination with the ctrl key.
* @paramshift Used in combination with the shift key.

public function addEasyListener(keyName:String, handlerDown:Function = null, handlerUp:Function = null, alt:Boolean = false, ctrl:Boolean = false, shift:Boolean = false):void {
var code:int = -1;
for (var i:int = 0; i < keyLabels.length; i++) {
if (keyLabels[i] == keyName) {
code = i;
if (code == -1) {
throw new Error(Incorrect key string value specified - no " + keyName + " key found.);
addListener(code, handlerDown, handlerUp, alt, ctrl, shift);

Full code:

package com.kircode.EasyKeyboard 
import flash.display.Stage;

* Utility for easy keyboard listener management.
* @author Kirill Poletaev
public class EasyKeyboard
public var listeners:Array = [];
private var keyLabels:Array = ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","Backspace","Tab","10","11","Center","Enter","14","15","Shift","Control","Alt","Pause","Caps Lock","21","22","23","24","25","26","27","28","29","30","31","Space","Page Up","Page Down","End","Home","Left","Up","Right","Down","41","42","43","44","Insert","Delete","47","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","58","59","60","61","62","63","64","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z","Windows","Windows","Menu","94","95","Num 0","Num 1","Num 2","Num 3","Num 4","Num 5","Num 6","Num 7","Num 8","Num 9","Num *","Num +","108","Num -","Num .","Num /","F1","F2","F3","F4","F5","F6","F7","F8","F9","F10","F11","F12","124","125","126","127","128","129","130","131","132","133","134","135","136","137","138","139","140","141","142","143","Num Lock","Scroll Lock","146","147","148","149","150","151","152","153","154","155","156","157","158","159","160","161","162","163","164","165","166","167","168","169","170","171","172","173","174","175","176","177","178","179","180","181","182","183","184","185",";","+",",","-",".","/","~","193","194","195","196","197","198","199","200","201","202","203","204","205","206","207","208","209","210","211","212","213","214","215","216","217","218","[","\","]","","223","224","225","226","227","228","229","230","231","232","233","234","235","236","237","238","239","240","241","242","243","244","245","246","247","248","249","250","251","252","253","254","255"];
private var st:Stage;

public function EasyKeyboard(stage:Stage)
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, kDown);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, kUp);
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frame);
st = stage;

private function frame(evt:Event):void {


* Add event listener for a single key using a keycode.
* @paramkeyCode Key code of the key.
* @paramhandlerDown Function to be called when the key is pressed down.
* @paramhandlerUp Function to be called when the key is released.
* @paramalt Used in combination with the alt key.
* @paramctrl Used in combination with the ctrl key.
* @paramshift Used in combination with the shift key.

public function addListener(keyCode:int, handlerDown:Function = null, handlerUp:Function = null, alt:Boolean = false, ctrl:Boolean = false, shift:Boolean = false):void {
listeners.push(new KeyListener(keyCode, handlerDown, handlerUp, alt, ctrl, shift));

* Add event listener for a single key using key string value.
* @paramkeyName String name of the key.
* @paramhandlerDown Function to be called when the key is pressed down.
* @paramhandlerUp Function to be called when the key is released.
* @paramalt Used in combination with the alt key.
* @paramctrl Used in combination with the ctrl key.
* @paramshift Used in combination with the shift key.

public function addEasyListener(keyName:String, handlerDown:Function = null, handlerUp:Function = null, alt:Boolean = false, ctrl:Boolean = false, shift:Boolean = false):void {
var code:int = -1;
for (var i:int = 0; i < keyLabels.length; i++) {
if (keyLabels[i] == keyName) {
code = i;
if (code == -1) {
throw new Error(Incorrect key string value specified - no " + keyName + " key found.);
addListener(code, handlerDown, handlerUp, alt, ctrl, shift);

private function kDown(evt:KeyboardEvent):void {
for (var i:int = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
if (evt.keyCode == listeners[i].keyCode && listeners[i] is KeyListener && evt.altKey == listeners[i].alt && evt.ctrlKey == listeners[i].ctrl && evt.shiftKey == listeners[i].shift) {
if (listeners[i].handlerD) listeners[i];

private function kUp(evt:KeyboardEvent):void {
for (var i:int = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
if (evt.keyCode == listeners[i].keyCode && listeners[i] is KeyListener && evt.altKey == listeners[i].alt && evt.ctrlKey == listeners[i].ctrl && evt.shiftKey == listeners[i].shift) {
if (listeners[i].handlerU) listeners[i];



If you go to now, you can call the addEasyListener to add keyboard listeners this way:

keyboard = new EasyKeyboard(stage);
keyboard.addEasyListener("A", function() { trace("Down"); }, function() { trace("Up"); } );
// LINE ABOVE EQUALS TO: keyboard.addListener(65, function() { trace("Down"); }, function() { trace("Up"); });

Thats all for today.

Thanks for reading!

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