Saturday, February 28, 2015

Using Social Media for Research APAME 2012

Using Social Media for Research will be presented on the 2nd September (Insya-Allah) at the APAME Convention 2012.

 Interestingly, I have decided to share the presentation slides much earlier here, because I am basically done with the draft version, and would simply love some feedback and suggestions for improvement before the APAME Convention 2012. Please feel free to slam everything any way you like, because I can easily update the slides (and ideas) for the better.

If your improvement idea(s) stink (according to my humble opinion), I will still recognize your effort by adding your name to a dedicated slide displaying all the names of the awesome geniuses that have contributed in making this presentation or talk better.

If I get no feedback, I can humbly say that this presentation was curated and mashed-up by Me, Myself and I. Either way, thanks for just reading this and surfing through my presentation slides! Here we go...


Today nearly a Billion people use Facebook, and more than 500 million use Twitter to connect, share and interact with one another. YouTube receives more than 4 Billion video views per day, millions of people blog, and there are more than 14 million articles on Wikipedia. Social Media today is impacting every aspect of our lives whether it is our social, working, education or family life.  However, what about using social media for collaborating on research projects and communicating scientific knowledge

This talk will explore how social media can be and is used to play a critical role in the full academic research cycle. We will look at how we can use a variety of social media tools to collaborate on identifying, creating, quality assuring and disseminating scientific knowledge. For example today, many doctors are using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Blogs to share and discuss their latest research with their fellow professionals and the public. By doing so, their work is sometimes being peer-reviewed by hundreds of experts around the world, empowering a more impactful learning and research experience.


Using Social Media for Research from IMU (International Medical University)


You might be thinking now, "How much time has Zaid been given to present his talk? 
Sadly, only 20-30 minutes

How the _____ are you going to cover 66 slides in that time?  
Great question! If you look carefully, 15 slides are basically fillers or additional whoa, meaning I basically need to cover only 51 slides over say 20 minutes, which sounds insane (to some). Guy Kawasaki would have fired me on the spot after 10 slides (over 20 minutes). I hope you are familiar with his famous 10/20/30 (10 slides/20 minutes/30 words) rule for good PowerPoint presentations. 

This might apply well for a good pitch, but if you ask me, I would simply be bored to death if I only saw 10 slides over 20 minutes, unless the speaker blows me away with great ideas and insights.

So, how are you going to inspire your main idea to the audience?
Not 100% sure yet (still got time!), but the presentation slides (shared above) basically covers what I want to share regarding this topic that was assigned to me, which was to talk about how we can use social media to communicate scientific knowledge.

My main point is to convince the audience that social media (or web 2.0 and web 3.0 for that matter) can be used for much more than simply communicating scientific knowledge. And to know what I mean by that, please Wallop the presentation slides shared above, and if you can find time...Please slam away, too!

Hidden main point (please dont tell anyone)...If you are totally lost (after the presentation) but excited about the prospects of using social media for research (and learning)...Please, dont hesitate to invite me to conduct a 1-2 day workshop on how to creatively use some of these social media tools to...

I shall say no more :)

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